Hypnotherapy FAQ - Most Frequent Questions and Answers

Each Hypnotherapy session lasts between 90 minutes to 2 hours. For that reason, I ask you to block a full 2 hours in your calendar to make sure you’re not rushed. You leave the session with a personalized audio that you commit to listening to every day (max. 20 minutes) for at least 21 days. The reasons behind this will be explained in our pre session talk.

Hypnosis is a natural state where you feel increasing levels of relaxation. You are not asleep. We are simply using alpha brain waves to access your subconscious under hypnotherapy. You have complete control the whole time. You can talk, move your body. You are aware of your surroundings.

Hypnosis works by creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM. That’s what allows you to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it.

What makes Hypnotherapy amazing is that even if you think you know the reason, you see it in a new way. That’s what allows you to change the meaning and ultimately, change your beliefs or behaviors. Many clients return to scenes that are totally different than what they expected. Just relax and trust that your subconscious mind will show you exactly what you need to see.

If you go back to scenes from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or other trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it and that you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and please remember everything is confidential and you may find quite profound scenes appear or scenes that you would not have realized were connected.

Hypnotherapy is designed to give you a powerful breakthrough and create big changes in your life. Some clients may need more than one hypnotherapy session, depending on what we are working on.

Any further questions, please book a video call with me or send me a message.

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